

Last month flew by at warp speed in most regards, leaving me without a minute’s worth of attention for attending to my scheduled blog post. For a while, I imagined I would write about the origins of some sentimental heart-shaped objects I own, but it just hasn’t been sentimentality’s turn to shine. Because how do you even prioritize a Valentine’s Day blog entry when there are all those seasons of Rick and Morty to be watched with your actual Valentine? Thus, January touches March in unprecedented ways, while some next-level alchemies of the heart keep unfolding.

Backdating this post isn’t even crossing my mind, because I am increasingly tired of fighting flawless imperfectness for an illusion of agency. So here’s the raw truth: my vehement Tinder search is over and I’m distracted and happy. I’m eating well, sleeping soundly, reorganizing this and that, and neglecting some things (like practicing guitar), but not others (like flossing). I may have a hole in my mind the size of February, but the one in my soul has never been better.

See? I told you this was just a placeholder. For more substantial writing, circle back after the equinox. Until then, I’ll be in airplane mode most of the time.
