I got so carried away organizing my music on Spotify that I wound up deploying my photos and writing there, too. Come see!
An internal strategic process brings together the professional and the personal, leading to clarity and long-sought answers.
The famous three things to consider when making decisions about real estate are just as important to online property.
Some reasons for choosing grammatical capitalization format in writing—even when a brand has a non-standard name in its logo.
How do you sell the place that has everything for everyone? Here’s a solution from Toolbox Group for Jantar shopping center.
Background on a name and on the participatory design project that inspired a group of creative parents to solve some challenges.
Discover the first social network built for next-age storage, categorization, and sharing of images, videos, and links.
Useful at the start of a naming or branding project, this method supplements a left-brain brief with some right-brain inspiration.
A pragmatic-slash-conceptual search for an optimal filing system for photos may have implications for more than digital files.
An inquiry into those ambiguous link pairs on the internet, and into the way they are a missed opportunity for clarity.
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An internal strategic process brings together the professional and the personal, leading to clarity and long-sought answers.